Film & Discussion
4 and 7 pm Saturday, October 13
Tix: Adults, $5 Under 21, $4
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Event Details Parking Educator Resources

IRON JAWED ANGELS is a powerful, inspiring film about endurance, ethics, love of justice, friendship and teamwork, based on the true story of the struggle to guarantee the right to vote for American women.
The drive and courage of the women (and men also) in the suffrage movement came during a period when women could not own property or bank accounts or have custody of their children in a divorce proceeding. Indeed, in many situations women were regarded AS property.

Using contemporary music and modern cinematography, IRON JAWED ANGELS tells, in a way that is accessible and appealing to young and old alike, the little-known story of how the Women's Suffrage Movement overcame violence, divisive politics and an indifferent president to amend the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote.
Then, as now, women were not seeking to be treated better than men — they simply wanted the same rights and privileges. Understanding the sacrifice behind the suffrage movement – assault, imprisonment, even torture – underscores the lasting need to speak out and take cohesive action on matters of societal importance.
NWP strategy and tactics produced an effective blueprint for future civil rights and social issues efforts. The NWP's array of creative methods – parades, public demonstrations, picketing, civil disobedience, hunger strikes, and public education – serve well in the fight against the inequity that continues today.
☀ IRON JAWED ANGELS, director Katja von Garnier; 2004; USA; 123 minutes.
Saturday, October 13, 4 PM
Saturday, October13, 7 PM
Venue seating opens 30 minutes before show time.
the newly renovated GARFIELD THEATRE, 719 Race St, Cincinnati 45202.
Parking Options Map Google Map Drone View
Ample parking at affordable rates — 1,700+ garage spaces within two blocks ‐ Gramercy Garage (next door, enter via Race, 7th or Elm streets), Garfield Garage (9th St., next to the Phoenix) and Macy's Garage (7th Street). Another 363 surface lot spaces within a couple blocks, plus numerous on-street meters.
Other transport options include the Street Car, Metro, Tank, Uber, Red Bike, etc.
Ticket prices for the film and post-film discussion are:
Adults, $5 advance, $9 door.
Students & everyone under 21, $4 advance, $7 door with ID required.

☀ ADA ACCESS: We have completely revamped and improved ADA access, with a direct path to wheelchair spaces and companion seats (no ramps, no stairs). Individuals using walkers or wheelchairs should call ahead to let us know your screening date and time, (859) 957-3456.

Across the street from the Garfield, you'll find the Butcher & Barrel, home of delicious shareables, salads, entrees and desserts, plus excellent wine, craft beer and mixed drinks. General Manager Randy Procter is offering CWC patrons an inaugural 15% discount on your order, excluding beverages, and you'll need your online ticket purchase confirmation or ticket stub from the event.
Discount valid only for the date on your ticket. Enjoy a pre- or post-film meal; coffee and dessert; or hang at the bar.
Hours: TUE-THS - Dining, 5-10 pm; bar 3:30 - 12:00. FRI-SAT - Dining 5-11 pm; bar 3:30 - 2:30. SUN - Dining 5-9 pm; bar 3:30 - 1-pm. Dinner reservations recommended. Check out the menus and photos: